
End-to-end integration
of disparate
sources into AI x BI

Fast and easy BI (Business Intelligence)
powered by AI (Artificial Intelligence)

with integrating business data siloed across
different enterprise systems


Data fabric solution
with data virtualization
for large-scale
heterogeneous data

We live in a digital hyper-connected world.
GraphAI-F facilitates the integration of business data siloed
across various on-premises and cloud sources into a unified
view of data --- graph view --- without complex data


Real-time AI analytics engine
giving a deep insight into
the relationship among data

GraphAI-A keeps neural networks over the graph view
and uncovers insight into enterprise data quickly
including trend analysis and customer 360
through In-DB AI technology with low-coding interface.

High-performance BI engine
leveraging the insight
w/ transaction processing

GraphAI-T provides faster and more powerful BI analytics
via utilizing the insight acquired by GraphAI-A
and supports transaction processing on business data
via a structured query such as SQL and Cypher.

Do you have any questions about GraphAi?
  • Headquater193, Munji-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
  • GraphAI Research157, Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
  • Emailcontact@graphai.io